How to bass fish like a pro.
Did you every wonder how those professional fishermen seem to catch so many more fish than us unpaid, unsponsored fishermen do?
Do they have inside information about where the fish are? Nope!
Do they have better rods and reels? Maybe but cheap rods and reels can catch 10 pound bass too.
So their bass boats float better than ours? Doubt it.
Are their baits and lures different from ours somehow? Uh Uh.
How do they do it?
One of my daughters, Emily, caught this bass in the photo above. She was fishing with a white buzz bait right before the sun went down. This little pond was just full of bass that were 5 pounds and under.
In the article below I will teach you how to fish like a pro.
I am a FISHING CHARTER CAPTAIN on the Treasure Coast of Florida. I have been catching bass all over Florida for more than 40 years. The information below will help bass fishermen catch more fish regardless of what part of the United States that you live in.
It will help snook fishermen catch more fish. It will help redfish fishermen catch more fish. It will help anyone who fishes with lures catch more fish.
Let's get started.
Watch the video below and catch bass like a pro.
Did you every wonder how those professional fishermen seem to catch so many more fish than us unpaid, unsponsored fishermen do?
Do they have inside information about where the fish are? Nope!
Do they have better rods and reels? Maybe but cheap rods and reels can catch 10 pound bass too.
So their bass boats float better than ours? Doubt it.
Are their baits and lures different from ours somehow? Uh Uh.
How do they do it?
One of my daughters, Emily, caught this bass in the photo above. She was fishing with a white buzz bait right before the sun went down. This little pond was just full of bass that were 5 pounds and under.
In the article below I will teach you how to fish like a pro.
I am a FISHING CHARTER CAPTAIN on the Treasure Coast of Florida. I have been catching bass all over Florida for more than 40 years. The information below will help bass fishermen catch more fish regardless of what part of the United States that you live in.
It will help snook fishermen catch more fish. It will help redfish fishermen catch more fish. It will help anyone who fishes with lures catch more fish.
Let's get started.
Watch the video below and catch bass like a pro.
It is time to copy the pros. Next time there is a bass tournament on television watch how the pros fish for bass. Below are a few of the things that I have noticed that pro bass fishermen all do.
How to catch bass like the pros.
- Increase your cast frequency.
- Check your lure presentation every cast.
- Cast more accurately.
- Quickly unhook any unwanted fish.
- Keep moving until you find fish activity.
- Repeat a few hundred times.
The professional fishermen cast easily twice as much as I do and I fish for a living too. Bass pros will send the lure out and retrieve it back to the boat and have it back in the water within a few seconds. Most of us stop every couple dozen casts to check our phone, drink a beer, eat some potato chips, tell a joke...... and then we cast a few more times. I'm not judging. I'm just as guilty as some of you.
If you want to catch fish like the pros, then you have to copy the things that they do. It's just math. The more time your lure spends in the water, the more time a bass has to eat it. They can't eat your lure unless your lure is in the water, right?
Pro fishermen check their lures after every cast. Your spinner bait will not catch as many fish if one of the blades is stuck. Your suspending lure will not catch as many fish if it has weed all over it. It is pretty simple stuff and every one of these activities will increase your fish catching ratios.
The pros are able to cast more accurately than the rest of us. How? Tons of practice. That's how. You have to be able to get your lure within 6 inches of your target to maximize your fish catching potential.
If there is a big swamp donkey hunkered in the back part of a dock and you can't get the lure to where she is then you will not catch her. It is as simple as that. You have to become a better caster to catch bass like a pro.
The pros don't waste any time with unwanted fish. If they catch a bass that won't count, then they get it unhooked and get their lure back into the water as quickly as possible.
That goes the same for us. If we catch a keeper, then get the picture and let it go or get it into the cooler and get back to fishing. The same thing goes for a fish that we don't want. Get it unhooked and get back to fishing.
The pros do not fish dead zones and maximize the fishy spots. Professional anglers look at a body of water like a archaeologist would if they were searching for ancient artifacts. They map out an area like a grid and search every square foot and move to the next one.
Professional bass anglers do the same type of thing. They methodically fish the entire area where the fish might be until they find them. The cover the most water that they can while maximizing the fish catching once they figure out where the fish are.
The pros don't just keep fishing a fishy looking spot all day because it looks good. They keep moving until they find the fish. What's the sense in fishing where there are no hungry fish? DO NOT FISH DEAD ZONES!
Watch the video below and catch more bass.
The pros know the habits of the bass.
The professional anglers know how important water temperature is to fish. They know to fish the sunny spots early when it's hot out. Then they fish the shady spots later where the water temperatures stay cooler for longer.
The pros know to fish deep early if it is cold. They will then switch to the parts of the water column that get heated by the sun. That is the top part of the water column or the shallows.
I wrote some other articles about bass fishing that cover how to catch a bass during the different seasons of the year. You can read those articles by clicking on the links below.
Winter Bass Fishing
Spring Bass Fishing
Summer Bass Fishing
Fall Bass Fishing
The pros know to match the hatch as best that they can. If the bass are feeding on small shad, then they will use a spinner bait or a small shad like lure. If the bass are feeding on crawdads then they will use a red crank bait or plastic crawdad lure.
The pros know to slow down your lure presentation when the water is cold. Bass are cold blooded and can't move as quickly in the Winter months.
If the bass are feeding on spawning bluegill, then they will use a darker bluegill like lure. They know that bluegills turn dark during the spawn.
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